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The President of the Republic is a candidate for re-election. Against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, the campaign really begins.
Its teams had already been preparing for it for several weeks. This time, Emmanuel Macron’s campaign is off to a good start. For the left, it was high time for the outgoing president to formalize his candidacy. “Emmanuel Macron has been campaigning for a long time, spending quite electorally”, believes Yannick Jadot, EELV candidate. Marine Le Pen asks that Emmanuel Macron join the campaign, just like the other candidates. “He must renounce his refusal to debate before the first round”specifies the candidate of the National Rally.
But 38 days from the first round, some candidates like Éric Zemmour regret seeing the campaign parasitized by a burning issue: the war in Ukraine. For others, the campaign is well underway. Support for Valérie Pécresse, Laurent Wauquiez personally attacked Emmanuel Macron, saying so “monarchical” and “dictator”. Unwelcome qualifiers, recognized the president of the regional council of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes a few hours later.