Traffic has returned to pre-covid levels, within a few percent, even if not all airports are doing equally well.
Reading time: 2 min

We could imagine that the post-covid world would be different, that planes would remain grounded, or at least that we would use them a little less, but no. No way. Despite rising ticket prices and global warming warnings, air travel has picked up again, the International Air Transport Association reveals. With more than 4 billion travelers transported in 2023, the association estimates that passenger transport by plane has regained 94% of its 2019 traffic, that is to say before the pandemic.
This recovery is largely based on domestic connections, particularly in China, or in India where there is very strong demand. In the United States too, domestic traffic has picked up with a bang. On the other hand, international flights have not completely replenished, mainly because of geopolitical problems which slow down certain trips.
For the French, traffic resumed as if nothing had happened
In Europe, traffic increased by 19% in 2023, but it is interesting to see that passenger traffic has changed, it is distributed differently. Among airports, there are winners and losers. For example, southern European airports are popular, these destinations attract tourists, and are experiencing good growth: +12% in Portugal and Greece compared to 2019, +7% in Malta. On the other hand, because of its proximity to Russia, attendance at Finnish airports fell by 30%, as in Sweden.
As for France, the level has returned to that of 2019. Covid is nothing more than a distant memory and connections with Africa, the Maghreb or the rest of Europe have resumed as if nothing had happened. was. According to industry professionals, despite geopolitical tensions, this upward trend is expected to continue in 2024. Airlines, which had suffered colossal losses after covid, have successfully restored their margins and returned to profits.