with a cold but motivated, Tessa Worley intends to start the Giant in Sölden

It’s a cold snap that our Haut-Savoyard skier Tessa Worley would have done without. Less than two days before the start of the Alpine Skiing World Cup in Sölden, Austria, the skier from Grand-Bornand caught a cold and had to rest on Thursday. “I stayed warm without getting on the skis to stay cool as the race approached.“, explains to our colleagues from AFP the one who won the Crystal Globe in Giant last season.

Tessa Worley is counting on her resources to compete for the Giant on Saturday

It seems to be getting better, it’s a good cold that puts you down, I was very sick on Tuesday evening after the internship in Val Senales (Italy). I’m trying to regain energy for Saturday. Over two rounds I think I will have resources. The work has been done upstream“, continues Tessa Worley, full of positive vibes to attack this new season. “I lived the past season in a serene way and with a lot of pleasure. I enjoyed every moment, even the less good races, I knew how to take a step back and keep the technical course. I kept serenity throughout the winter. I approach this season with a lot of desire, pleasure, in the same way, I hope thanks to this serenity the regularity of good results, especially at the Worlds (in Courchevel and Méribel in February 2023).

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