Absent during the Final Four of the League of Nations, captain Wendie Renard concluded her first meeting of 2024 like a boss on Tuesday by scoring the only goal of the victory against the Swedes.
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The return of the boss. After a thigh injury in December, Wendie Renard was once again decisive for her first start of the year for the selection, Tuesday April 9, unlocking a tense shock against Sweden ten minutes from the final whistle (1 -0). While we were moving towards a parity score in Gothenburg – which would have complicated the task of the Bleues before a double confrontation against England in these qualifications for Euro 2025 -, the Martinican registered her 38th international achievement in following a returned corner.
“It’s not her first goal and certainly not the last. She’s always very efficient and it’s a great reward. The important thing is to be there in the right place and at the right time, that’s three very important points”, commented after the meeting Hervé Renard, from whom she had taken over on the field. When the coach was excluded at the hour mark, she redoubled her communication efforts to calm her partners, nervous because of the refereeing, and to enforce the technician’s vociferations from the stands.
A boss attitude
If this did not prevent Vicki Becho from receiving a second yellow, this attitude of framework was precisely lacking during the Nations League final lost against Spain at the end of February (0-2), which Wendie Renard had observed from afar, sitting alongside her mother in the Sevillian enclosure. “When Wendie is not there, it’s a big loss”confirmed the French coach, happy that his players did the work on Friday against Ireland (1-0) to allow his captain to be spared, due to lack of rhythm, in view of Sweden.
The presence of the 33-year-old player was not, however, 100% guaranteed this Tuesday. Coming into play during the last quarter of an hour against the Girls in Green four days ago, Wendie Renard collapsed on the lawn, victim of what looked like vagal discomfort. “Even I don’t know what it was. There was no concussion, otherwise I wouldn’t have played tonight, she explained in the mixed zone in the bays of Gamla Ullevi. Precautions were taken with the doctor, again yesterday [lundi] We did some tests and everything was fine. I will continue to make them because I would like GOOD understand why this happened. Thank God I was able to hold my place.”
“We’ll realize who Wendie is the day she stops”
A presence which did not fail to delight Kenza Dali, who raved about her teammate after the victory. “I think people will realize who Wendie Renard is the day she stops. Wendie is someone who has left her mark and continues to make her mark on French sport. To live abroad, I know that ‘she is extremely respected there’assured the Aston Villa midfielder.
What legitimizes the nomination of the number 3 of the Blues as standard bearer at the Olympic Games? “In my opinion, the question should not even arise”added Dali, making the main interested party smile, whose name comes up insistently. “Being a standard bearer cannot be refused! There are criteria, I think I meet these criteria. If I am, it would be an honor and a pride, for me and for my family, but the most important thing, it “is that we work to win a medal”, she concluded. It is clear that a Wendie Renard in top form will be a necessity to obtain this long-awaited charm. That’s good, it’s launched.