with a 43% drop in revenue in 2021 compared to 2019, the hotel industry is doing better in France than in its European neighbors

The sector fell by 55.6% in Italy, 63.1% in Germany, 64.7% in Portugal and even 71.9% in the Netherlands, according to the specialist firm MKG.

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The fifth wave has not yet overwhelmed the French hotel industry. With 43% less revenue in 2021 than in 2019, the sector is doing better than its European neighbors. The latter are still very affected by the health crisis, according to the 2021 report on the hotel industry published on Friday January 14 by the specialist firm MKG. The fall in sector revenues was 47.6% in the United Kingdom, 51.9% in Greece and 53.1% in Spain.

But other countries suffered even more: the hotel industry fell by 55.6% in Italy, 63.1% in Germany, 64.7% in Portugal and even 71.9% in the Netherlands, according to MKG.

These territorial disparities can be explained by the arrival of “Delta then Omicron variants”, Who “have raged since December and affected certain European countries, in particular Germany where the decline in hotel activity fell from -46.9% in November to -60% in December”, comments MKG.

In France, on the other hand, “Omicron’s impact was later” and the sector, buoyed by the Christmas holidays, “continued to progress in December compared to November”, completes the specialized firm. Nevertheless, “the wave arrives: on the nights of 6 to 12 January 2022, the decline in revenue per room in the French hotel industry fell to -29.9% on average compared to the same period in 2019″.

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