with 41°C recorded, it has never been so hot in Biarritz

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10:41 p.m. : And meanwhile, in Paris… It’s 10:40 p.m., I’ve gained 4°C since this morning (32°C at 6:30 a.m.). Drink, eliminate!!

10:41 p.m. : The heat wave episode continues in the capital, writes to us @Guillaumethermometer in support.

10:32 p.m. : With particularly high temperatures from June, farmers are worried. Crops, already hit by drought, struggle to reach normal size when animals are under heat stress. Report from France 2 at the heart of farms.


10:20 p.m. : Hard blow for the inhabitants of Condé-Northen, in Lorraine. The water pipe that supplies the town broke yesterday, and the 700 inhabitants have to manage without running water in the heat wave. If Suez is working to repair the pipeline, the company has not yet given a date for a return to normal, notes France Bleu Lorraine Nord.

9:46 p.m. : For the first time, the ONF has decided to communicate on the risks of forest fires in Normandy. “Normandy was probably less prone to this kind of heat wave episodes. But today it is a reality, global warming affects all regions. So we really have to communicate on the risks of fire”underlines Céline Langumier, NFB agent responsible for raising awareness among walkers this weekend, at the microphone of France 3 Normandy.

8:59 p.m. : @llopis_cat @CJ_Juanjo Alguna más hay. Panorámica, encuadrada y de detalle con avión del @mitecogob haciendo descargas de agua sin parar. #iflegarda

8:59 p.m. : Accelerated evolution of the humo and cumulative generado #IFlegarda #Timelapse

8:59 p.m. : The huge #fire on the Pamplona side takes on aspects of “mega-fires”. #pamplona #Incendioforestal #forestfires https://t.co/p0ShF4oAmf

8:58 p.m. : Huge fires are underway in Pamplona, ​​Spain, not far from the border with France.

8:52 p.m. : ? France is the country in the world that “overheats” the most this Saturday. (Map of temperature anomalies, via https://t.co/NHuVjE6i71)

8:52 p.m. : Champiooooooooons of the world! No football (well, not yet, we’ll talk about it again in November and December), but dodger!

8:12 p.m. : – Monthly records (stations which had already broken their record yesterday):
?Niort (79) with 40.1°C
?Cognac (16) with 40.0°C
?Bergerac (24) with 39.5°C
?Ploermel (56) with 38.7°C
?Rennes (35) with 37.9°C

8:11 p.m. : Monthly records:
?39.1°C in Nantes (44, 38.6°C on 06/27/2019)
?39.0°C in Poitiers (86, 38.3°C on 06/29/2019)
?39.0°C in Blois (41, 38.1°C on 06/29/2019)
?37.9°C in Orléans (45, 36.9°C on 06/29/2019)
?36.6°C in Besançon (25, 35.8°C on 06/29/2019)

8:11 p.m. : – Monthly records:
?41.9°C in Cazaux (33, 40.2°C on 06/30/2015)
?40.5°C in Bordeaux (33, 39.2°C on 06/26/2011)
?40.3°C in Dax (40, 39.1°C on 06/21/2003)
?40.1°C in Angers (39.3°C on 06/29/2019)
?39.4°C in Pau (64, 38.1°C on 29/06/1950)
?39.3°C in Agen (47, 38.8°C on 06/29/1950)

8:11 p.m. : ?️#VaguedeChaleur⬇️ Values ​​#records, this #Saturday 18/06⬇️
– Absolute records:
?42.9°C in Biarritz – Station opened in 1953.
40.6°C on 04/08/2003
?40.6°C in Rochefort Saint-Aignan (17)
40.1°C on 04/08/2003
?39.2°C in Tarbes (65)
39°C on 08/13/2003

8:10 p.m. : Météo France publishes in a series of tweets the list of stations which broke their temperature record today.

8:08 p.m. : Northeast of Rennes, 36⁰C and blue sky this afternoon at 4:00 p.m., with southerly wind. Now, rain and wind due North!

8:08 p.m. : For some, it is (fortunately) over.

8:05 p.m. : In France, records have been recorded in more than 200 cities. Nearly three quarters of the population, i.e. 45 million people, are affected by the red or orange levels of #heatwave vigilance. (updated infographic)

8:05 p.m. : Our comrades from France Culture publish a summary of the cities where the mercury has exploded its records.

8:02 p.m. : The fire caused by artillery fire at a major French army training camp in the Var has burned around 600 hectares of vegetation, but is about to be fixed, announce the firefighters and the prefecture .

8:07 p.m. : It’s 8 pm! Let’s take stock of the burning news of this Saturday evening.

• The heat record was broken in Biarritz with 42.9°C, while France is going through a particularly early heat wave (you can see a map of the records for France here). Eleven departments are still on red alert during the heat wave, 59 on orange alert.

• In Châteauroux, 25,000 inhabitants are deprived of tap water since last night, due to contamination with E.coli bacteria. Details in our article.

Tremendous feat by French swimmer Léon Marchand, barely 20 years old, who won the final of the Worlds in the 400 meter medley as an old veteran.

Who, from Bordeaux-Bègles or Montpellier, will join Castres in the final of the French championship? The second Top 14 semi-final kicks off in an hour.

7:25 p.m. : ?️The @meteofrance station in #Besançon, which has continuous data since 1885, broke its monthly record with 36.6°C (35.8°C on 06/26/2019). Franche-Comté is about to experience an extremely hot night, locally the mercury will not drop below 25°C #Canicule2022

7:25 p.m. : A thought for our Franche-Comté readers, for whom the night is going to be hot, after a day when Besançon broke its heat record for the month of June.

7:08 p.m. : The heat wave has no borders. With 42°C in Zaragoza (Spain) and 34°C in Berlin (Germany) recorded today, an early arc of heat is felt over a large part of Western Europe. Tour of Europe of the furnace in this article.


7:01 p.m. : Water distribution by SNCF right now at Saint-Lazare station ?

7:01 p.m. : In the capital, no coup de galerne in sight, suddenly, at the SNCF, we organize ourselves to help travelers, as evidenced by Gare Saint-Lazare in Paris.

6:51 p.m. : Now we would be almost cold ? in the Landes, gone from 42 degrees to 29 degrees in a few hours, a cool wind is sweeping the gardens…

6:51 p.m. : A thought for @Maïserie40 who has experienced the galerne, this gust of wind which brutally cools the temperatures.

6:49 p.m. : #Lookup #Appeldu18juin Record smashed: 10.4°C were recorded at the Mont Blanc station (4750 m) on Saturday June 18 at 2 p.m. The previous record dated from the heat wave of June 2019, with 6.8°C. https://t.co/g0E6gyyULf

6:49 p.m. : According to the regional environmental protection agency of the Aosta Valley, the heat record at the top of Mont-Blanc was shattered during this heat wave in France.

6:31 p.m. : The cinema remains a good way to cool off in air-conditioned rooms. We were thus this afternoon 59 spectators in a room of 70 places to see the documentary Beyond the summits, with spectacular images… and refreshing!

6:31 p.m. : A safe bet during the heat wave, the cinema. And the friend @cinefil was in the front row.

6:34 p.m. : 18 hours ! We take stock of this burning news.

• The heat record was broken in Biarritz with 42.9°C, while France is going through a particularly early heat wave (you can see a map of the records for France here). Eleven departments are still on red alert during the heat wave, 59 on orange alert.

• In Châteauroux, 25,000 inhabitants are deprived of tap water since last night, due to contamination with E.coli bacteria. Details in our article.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made a rare trip out of kyiv, to Mykolaiv and Odessa, the day after Russian strikes on these cities.

A good omen before the Tour de France? Thibaut Pinot confirms his strong comeback with a victory in the queen stage of the Tour de Suisse.

5:52 p.m. : PLONS! Ritwinnaar @Quintenhermans neemt een duik in het zwembad ?‍♂️ ?#baloisebelgiumtour

5:51 p.m. : This competitor of the Tour of Belgium has found a radical way to cool off after the finish of the stage.

6:33 p.m. : In Strasbourg, between 10 and 15,000 people according to the police, took part in the Visibility March. “I have the impression that there are a few fewer people because of the heat wave”said a regular, interviewed by AFP.

5:46 p.m. : Note that several commemorations related to the anniversary of the appeal of June 18, 1940 have been canceled or postponed. Thus, the pilgrimage of veterans planned in Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées) has been purely and simply canceled. In Bordeaux, the ceremony has been postponed to tomorrow.

5:46 p.m. : // MAP // The measures put in place by the prefect of the Gironde are maintained for this Saturday, June 18. The Capc as well as the other museums of the city of Bordeaux are therefore free for the day. We are open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. @BDX_Culture

5:46 p.m. : Bordeaux, where the mercury indicates 40°C according to Météo France, has made museums free since yesterday and until the end of the heat wave. A good plan to grow fresh!

5:30 p.m. : . Hello in Landerneau in North Finistère we went from 34 degrees yesterday to 20 degrees at the same time. We’re going to put the shorts away ?

5:29 p.m. : Rain and freshness in northern Finistère!

5:29 p.m. : And meanwhile, in Brittany…

5:24 p.m. : Argenteuil at 4:30 p.m.

5:23 p.m. : hello to cognac in Charente, I think this time the record has been broken! 43° and more in the shade. Thank you for your work.

5:22 p.m. : In the shade in the trees, it makes all the difference. Bordeaux city center.

5:22 p.m. : In the Sarthe we only reached 40° at 5.20 p.m.

5:33 p.m. : Our readers a little further north in the Basque Country continue to experience difficult times.

5:21 p.m. : Galerne finally in sight and falling temperatures #basquecountry https://t.co/Tdmq6EAWxZ

5:18 p.m. : In #Biarritz, it was 42.9°C at 4:30 p.m. At 5 p.m., it is only 27.4°C. 11°C lost in 6 min, 16 in 30 min. #galerne #PyrénéesAtlantiques #heat wave

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