Wine events | Shop your wines with your taste buds

It’s the time of year when we can taste wines of the best quality. Initially, the public will have access to approximately 600 products that are normally only sold by the cash register, at the Private Import Wine Show.

This takes place from October 14 to 16 at the Bonsecours Market, then on October 18 at the Quebec Armory. The online store, open from October 13 to 18, will allow you to purchase individual bottles and pick them up at the SAQ afterwards.

At the Grande Dégustation de Montréal, we are embracing a very broad approach this year, with the theme “Celebrate the Brave New World”. It’s happening at the Grand Quai of the Port of Montreal, from October 19 to 21, with more than 1,500 products for tasting and 250 exhibitors from Piedmont, Rioja, Oregon, Greece and here, among others.

To find out all the details regarding admission prices and coupons, please consult the respective event sites.

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