Win your tickets for the preview of “La cour des Miracles” on Monday, September 19 at the UGC in Bordeaux

France Bleu Gironde invites you to the preview of the film “The Court of Miracles” presented in preview on Monday, September 19 at the UGC ciné-cité in Bordeaux-centre at 8:00 p.m. You will be able to discuss at the end of the session with the directors Hakim Zouhani and Craine May and the actors Rachida Brakni, Anaide Rozam, Sérigue M’Baye (Disiz the plague).

Try your luck here:

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The story: A brand new “bobo-ecolo” school is emerging from the ground in Seine Saint Denis and threatens the historic primary school in the area, the Jacques Prévert school. The director mobilizes to save her establishment by creating the first “green school” in the suburbs. She will have to deal with an educational team that is not really nature-oriented.

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