In 1924, the same year in which André Breton published the Manifeste du Surréalisme in the columns of Le Figaro, we find the author of the Saison en enfer “locked in his hospital room in Charleville. Alive he is, even more conspicuous than ‘at 20 when he decides to put an end to poetry. It is a genius on fire who settles before us, haggard, illuminated but even more flamboyant than ever before. is more of a body that speaks, it is a soul. A man “without soles and without wind” who invites on his “Drunken Boat” as well his nurse as Paul Verlaine, Alfred Jarry, Ignace de Loyola, Léo Ferré … As if , on a stroke of madness, and before the last fires of modernity overwhelmed him and his fellows, Arthur Rimbaud allowed himself a masterful lesson in life. “
A play by Jean-Michel Dijan, and directed by Anna Novion. Find Jean-Pierre Darroussin in the role of Rimbaud, on the Grrranit stage on November 16 at 8 p.m., with France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard. Try to win your seats by participating in the game below. ⤵⤵⤵