Win your tickets for the Great Christmas Circus of Muizon, for a Christmas full of wonder!

The magic of Christmas will indeed be present at Muizonat the end of the year. After a complicated year 2020 and the impossibility for Muizon Shows to present his new masterpiece the Great Christmas Circus, 2021 has arrived and, with it, finally, a ray of hope!

Once upon a time there was aerobatics, horses, goats and the magic of Christmas …

Since last December 4 and until December 26 next, the first Christmas Circus will therefore take place in Muizon. Nine exceptional performances an equestrian show bringing together a ten artists and as many animals. Among these animals, there is obviously horses, but also some goats, pigs and a dog. All are in perfect harmony with the troupe of the Grand Cirque de Noël and their strong bond feel it during the show.

A magical spectacle, not to be missed!
Amy stigal

The story is that of a boy who will meet Mr. Caesar, the leader of a team of dream makers. Together they will try to find Santa Claus to relive the magic of Christmas.

The show trailer

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Bold mix between fantastic equestrian acrobatics and an rhythmic plot full of humor, the new Christmas show enthusiastically tells the story of the life of a circus. Equestrian aerobatics and juggling, contortion or even learned animals: you will be served by so much magic!

Dates & times

There is a lot of planned dates for the performances of the Grand Circus de Noël, but places are leaving quickly, so don’t delay!

– Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 December at 2:30 p.m.

– Saturday December 11 at 2:30 p.m.

– Sunday December 12: SOLD OUT

– Friday December 17 at 1:30 p.m. and 8 p.m.

– Saturday December 18 and Sunday December 19 at 2:30 p.m.

– Sunday December 26 at 2:30 p.m.

The site will open its doors one hour before the start of the show and one 20-minute intermission will be offered to you.

If you are unable to win your seats in Game side on France Blue Champagne-Ardenne, you can always buy your tickets on site, or do it online here.

To play in Game side, is the 0.809.400.500 (price of a local call) that you will have to try your luck between 11am and noon, Monday to Friday.

Good luck to everyone !

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