Win your tickets for the Eurockéennes 2022

The Eurockeans meet you from June 30 to July 3, 2022 at the Malsaucy site near Belfort. Four days of concerts with French and international artists including Muse, Stromae, Simple Minds, Clara Luciani, Kaaris, Izia, Nike Cave, Foals, Diplo,… Four evenings, four stages, and the Muse concert on Sunday evening organ on the main stage.

Live the Eurockéennes with France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard

Throughout the duration of the Eurockéennes, France Bleu is live from Malsaucy. Interviews with artists, signing sessions, discoveries behind the scenes of this great festive event, your radio gives you appointment Thursday, Friday, Saturday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.on its antenna and on site in the heart of the site, and Sunday live from the campsite from 8 a.m. to noon.

Win your entries with France Bleu

Try your luck to win a set of two entries for each day of the Eurockéennes, especially for the Muse concert on Sunday July 3 in the evening. Just register in the game module below before June 26 at midnight. Four winners, four chances, it’s up to you!

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