Win your tickets for the concert of Jean-Baptiste Guégan, the “voice” of Johnny, at the Cube de Troyes!

Absolute fan of Johnny Hallyday since the early 90s, Jean-Baptiste Guegan is initially destined for a completely different life than that of a singer. But his voice, similar to that of the rocker, quickly seduces a producer who will then give the possibility to the singer to follow in the footsteps of his idol.

In December 2017, Johnny Hallyday dies and Jean-Baptiste Guégan, saddened, is contacted by a producer to set up a tribute show entitled Jean-Baptiste Guégan: the voice of Johnny. He thus pays homage to his idol in the most beautiful way.

Johnny’s way, show-tribute to Johnny Hallyday carried by Jean-Baptiste Guégan
© Arachnee Productions

Once crowned with his victory in the show France has an unbelievable talenthe meets a lyricist of Johnny who offers him several unreleased songs written for Johnny. In 2019 the album is released Since it is writtenfollowed in 2020 by stay the same. The success is confirmed and Jean-Baptiste Guégan travels through France to share with his audience his recognizable voice and his energy.

It will be this Thursday, April 7 to Cube from Troyesfrom 20 hoursand France Blue Champagne-Ardenne you offer your tickets on (price of a local call).

We promise you that Jean-Baptiste Guégan will know light the fireat the Cube in Troyes, this Thursday, April 7!

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