Win your Pass for The Reggae Empire Festival with France Bleu Limousin

Two days of music to open the month of April!

After being postponed, The Empire Reggae Festival set up by the Horizons Croisés association will finally take place on April 1 and 2 at Feytiat. This festival is an opportunity to discover the current French reggae scene.

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Two days of music and the promise of beautiful evenings thanks to a great line-up such as Yaniss Odua and Danakil, one of the rare reggae groups to be able to fill two Olympias in a row

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But also Steff Tej and Ejectés, a group from Limoges which, after more than 30 years of performing, is a benchmark in its genre!

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But also… Pierpoljak, Daddy Mory or Ryon

The cream of French Reggae for two evenings of celebration and relaxation!

Find all the program here


France Bleu Limousin offers you a Pass for two people

With this Pass you will have access to all the concerts on April 1 and 2 at the Salle Georges Brassens in Feytiat from 6 p.m.

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