Win your invitations to the preview of the film “Les folies fermières” in Bordeaux on April 2

“Les folies fermières” is the new film by Jean-Pierre Améris. The feature film on screens next Wednesday, May 11 and to discover in preview on Saturday April 2 at 8:15 p.m. the UGC ciné-cité of Bordeaux city center. The director will be present at the end of the session to discuss with you.
Jean-Pierre Améris has already distinguished himself several times on the small and big screen. In his filmography you will find “Les émotifs anonymes” with Isabelle Carré and Benoit Poelvoorde or even more recently “Profession du père” with the same Benoit Poelvoorde. This time Alban Ivanov and Michèle Bernier are in the cast of his new film.

Sign up to win your invitations and attend the preview on Saturday April 2 at the UGC ciné-cité in Bordeaux city center at 8:15 p.m.

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The story

“Les folies fermières” is the story of David, a young peasant from Cantal, he has just had an idea: to save his farm from bankruptcy, he is going to set up a cabaret on the farm. He is sure, it can only work! His relatives, his mother and especially his grandfather, are more skeptical.

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