Win your invitations to the Nocturne France Bleu Provence at the Foire de Marseille 2022 on September 24

As every year France Bleu Provence offers you your invitations for an evening-concert in the heart of the Foire de Marseille.

And for this 2022 edition, we are no exception to the rule: Spend your evening in the company of avec Dj DJEL from the FONKY FAMILY for a crazy DJ-SET!

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With your freshly won invitations, you will have to go to the France Provence – France 3 Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur stand.

Beginning of the DJ Set of DJ DJEL and the Deejay School ACADEMIX At 20 o ‘clock

2000 invitations to be won online

To withdraw your invitations, simply register using this form below. Attention, 2 invitations maximum per registration.

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On the program of the international fair of Marseille this year

This year, more than ever, the Fair is the back-to-school meeting place for all gourmands and gourmets.
For 11 days, Chanot Park becomes the largest restaurant in the region. It brings together traditional cooks, food trucks, local producers on nearly 10,000 m² to satisfy all desires.

Through numerous activities, the Fair will allow its public to meet craftsmen, chefs and restaurateurs, to discover flavors from the Mediterranean and elsewhere, and to “taste” in a friendly atmosphere. Note the presence of the chef Norbert Tarayre, sponsor of the 2022 Marseille Fair.

Visual Marseille Fair 2022
Marseille Fair

The Fair will also be an opportunity to discover the offer of nearly 1,000 exhibitors, and a host of new products, in all the sectors represented. In this new edition, the Gustave Trophy which highlights regional innovations intended to improve the daily lives of the general public.

The Foire Internationale de Marseille is also the business meeting for the start of the new school year. With its 100,000 m2 of indoor and outdoor exhibition space and some 300,000 visitors expected, it offers a superb showcase for exhibitors. A 2022 edition in the heart of Marseille for a gourmet edition that promises beautiful moments of sharing and reunion.

Consult the 2022 program of the Foire de Marseille

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