Win this week your festive products with Maison Dandieu in Hagetmau

The story of the Dandieu house begins in Brassempouy in 1956 exactly when Mr and Mrs Dandieu met. And like many successes, this family’s success is partly due to chance. Mr. and Mrs. Dandieu got married and settled in Brassempouy. From this union will be born little Xavier. At 14, he wants a moped. He wants to offer it to himself and so he decides to raise a hundred chickens in his parents’ garden to sell them alive. Xavier’s parents are amazed at the profit margin he makes by looking after his chickens. Suddenly, they decide to continue raising chickens. They subsequently started slaughtering the chickens. From that moment on, they decide to devote themselves completely to raising and slaughtering chicken. The reputation of Dandieu poultry grew rapidly thanks to the quality of their products. Neighbors, friends, everyone is helping to make the business work. A generation later, the desire and passion for the profession remain unchanged. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Dandieu took over the business.

The taste of tradition

Today, the company has 37 employees. To continue to grow, the company set up in the neighboring town of Hagetmau with state-of-the-art premises. They kept the same process of slaughtering, cutting and making preserves as in Brassempouy. There are machines and cookers that are more modern and larger, but the way of working the product remains exactly the same. In addition to raising and slaughtering poultry, the company offers a cutting and cold preparation service. We work with guinea fowl, hen, rooster, capon, turkey and chicken, but the undisputed and undisputed star remains the chicken.

Capon roast with foie gras from Maison Dandieu

Earn your festive products by playing this week

By playing this week in the “Quiz Arena” between 11am and noon on France Bleu Gascogne, win your festive poultry + a festive roast from Maison Dandieu. For poultry, you can choose between capon, turkey, Christmas guinea fowl or chicken. For the festive roast you will taste a roast capon with your choice of a forest stuffing, figs, foie gras, chestnuts or porcini mushrooms.

How to participate ?

Play in the quiz arena with Jérome Destruhaut between 11 a.m. and noon on France Bleu Gascogne. Answer as many questions as possible. The biggest score of the week wins the giveaway!

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