Win the book “I batch cook light all year round” by Sandra Thomann

Discover the batch cooking bible light version!

Do you dream of enjoying good meals every day without exploding calories or spending your evenings in the kitchen? Sandra offers you in this book a year of simple and balanced menus, but always really tasty! Choose the one you want, do your shopping using the list provided and set aside 2 or 3 hours on Sunday to prepare the dinners of the week by following the recipes step by step! All you have to do is assemble them and warm them up in the evenings and enjoy yourselves with your family!

“I batch cook light all year long”, these are 52 healthy menus over the seasons, by Sandra Thomann and Valéry Guèdes in the series “It’s decided, I’m getting started” published by Larousse.

France Bleu Elsass offers you “I batch cook light all year round”

To try your luck, simply register in the game module below before Sunday July 3 & 2022 at midnight.

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