Win the book Contes populaires alsaciens by Joseph Lefftz

The only real popular tales of this region that have come down to us. The Alsatian or German version (depending on the source) on the left-hand page, opposite the French translation by Gérard Leser. A treasure of Alsatian oral heritage!

Joseph Lefftz (1888-1977) was one of the great folklorists and scholars of the interwar period, and the author of many scholarly works, including the primitive version of Grimm’s Tales. Anxious to popularize, he also brought together the Contes populaires alsaciens in a collection published in 1931. This edition, completely revised and annotated, delivers these texts in their original form (in German or Alsatian, depending on the source) , accompanied by a French translation by Gérard Leser.

This book, a real treasure of the oral heritage of our region, is intended for the general public and all lovers of tales and legends.

Folk Tales from Alsace by Lefftz Joseph published by Degorce Editions.

France Bleu Elsass offers you Alsatian folktales

To try your luck, simply register in the game module below before Sunday November 20, 2022 at midnight.

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