Win the album “Blii vom Brunne eweg” by Elvis Stengel

Discover Elvis Stengel’s 4th album, “Blii vom Brunne eweg”, stay away from the well, that’s what his grandmother told him, who was afraid of an accident. The peasant and poet from Vibersviller gives you an ode to his language, the plàtt. Now retired from his life as a farmer, Elvis Stengel can take the time to write.

With humorous but wise texts and maxims: when you have gold, you can go to any bank, but if you have sheet metal, go to the junkyard and see how much he gives you.

After a year and a half of work, he gives us 15 titles in this 4th album. Funny, nostalgic texts, on several levels, which tell us about his childhood, before, and as a bonus five songs more oriented towards children for bilingual lessons and requested by the Office for Language and Culture of Alsace .

France Bleu Elsass offers you “Blii vom Brunne eweg”

To try your luck, simply register in the game module below before Sunday July 17, 2022 at midnight.

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