Win a romantic stay at the Grand Hotel de Cabourg

Play June 6-10, 2022

All this week on France Bleu Normandie in La Boîte À Sons, win a romantic stay at Grand Hotel de Cabourg for two people.. In addition to the night at the hotel, you attend the opening ceremony of the Cabourg Film Festival on Thursday, June 16, 2022 with two passes to attend the screenings. From Monday 6 to Friday 10 June 2022, between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., play on 02 31 44 48 44 with Sylvain Cotigny and Nathalie Morel.

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In the heart of Cabourg, feet in the sand, the Grand Hotel will surprise you with its unique location by the sea. The cozy and elegant atmosphere translated by the Belle Epoque decoration tinged with modernity opens the door to another world. – Gaëlle Grelat, director of the Grand Hôtel de Cabourg.

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