Willo’s musical encounters

La Nouvelle Scène Aquitaine by France Bleu invites you to discover Willo. A bewitching duo that was born from an unexpected encounter one evening at a concert. Willo is Olivier and Cécile. These are two voices, two artists with different horizons, that fate brought together in the same place, during a musical evening in the Hautes-Pyrénées.

The Willo duo

Cécile left the Tarn at the beginning of the new century to join the mountains and nature, in the heart of the Hautes-Pyrénées. This is where his musical instinct will flourish. After the saxophone then the guitar, the voice becomes her instrument which she puts at the service of several bigourdan groups.
Olivier has traveled the new world, after leaving the Paris region. In North America, he encounters notes, texts and folk music. In Australia, he discovers the great horizons, the wild nature and the inner rigor to tame it. Back in France, it is in the Hautes-Pyrénées that he puts down his suitcases.
And it’s one evening at Olivier’s concert that Cécile settles into his music… and into his life. Six years later, they roam the bars and concert halls with as much passion as the terrace of the Pic du Midi de Bigorre where they open for Lilly Wood and the Prick.

An album was born. Eternal jet lag. The musical universe is still there. The voice, the music, a moment of eternity in which the New Aquitaine Stage of France Bleu invites you to enter, on the occasion of this concert recorded at the James-Chambaud space in Lons (Béarn).

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