This draft agreement on the consultation price of 30 euros must now be ratified by a sufficiently representative group of unions to enter into force.
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“Will we receive better care with the 30 euro consultation?”asked Friday May 17 on franceinfo Gérard Raymond, president of France Assos Santé, which represents users of the health system, while the price of consultation with the general practitioner will increase to 30 euros in December, according to a draft agreement finalized by Health Insurance and the unions of private doctors.
“Will the permanence of care be better ensured? Will the quality of care be better? We don’t know much about it and that’s what questions us at the moment“, reacted Gérard Raymond.
The draft agreement also includes commitments on better access to care, for example with an increase in the average patient base of the treating doctor or on control of prescriptions. “We will be extremely vigilant about respecting these commitments”according to the president of France Assos Santé. “We can clearly see today that many of our fellow citizens do not have a regular doctor, have difficulty finding a doctor or having a real offer that corresponds to our needs in our territories.”
“This agreement is a financial agreement but it lacks vision on a real overhaul of the health system that better meets the needs of the population today”he continued. “We talk too little about prevention and health education, but we talk about fee-for-service payment which no longer corresponds to the organization of the health system”.