Will Toulouse Métropole extend the swimming surveillance period at Lac de la Ramée?

This may be a clue for enhance security and reduce the risk of drowning at Lac de la Ramée de Tournefeuille where a 14-year-old teenager drowned at the end of April. Toulouse Métropole could consider extending the bathing surveillance period.

With the recent rise in temperatures, many people are bathing, at the moment, at La Ramée. However, it is forbidden: swimming will only be authorized, and supervised, between July 9 and August 27.

Listen to the report from France Bleu Occitanie:

Some lake users ask that bathing surveillance starts earlier in season, from the end of spring. A scenario that Toulouse Métropole, which manages the Ramée leisure center, does not rule out in the near future. Philippe Plantade is the vice-president in charge of sports and leisure bases: “We realize that climate change is causing summer temperatures earlier in the season. The Metropolis will therefore _study the possibility of opening the swimming pool on certain weekends_maybe in May or June, depending on temperatures.”

Philippe Plantade, the vice-president of Toulouse Métropole in charge of sports and leisure bases. © Radio France
Claudia Calmel

“We are going to study all this, _but it won’t be for this year_. You can’t open a beach with the snap of your fingers. We need lifeguards, we need supervision, the quality of the water has to be satisfactory and the Regional Health Agency has to give us the authorizations. But we will look into it in October and we will see if we can, next year, open the beach a little earlier.

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