Will the war of the sexes take place in the National Assembly?

Curious paradox. The feminization of positions of responsibility is unprecedented in the National Assembly, even though the share of women deputies fell after the election.

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Judge for yourself: Mathilde Panot at the Insoumis. Aurore Bergé for En Marche!. Cyrielle Chatelain co-chairs the environmental group, while Marine Le Pen leads that of the National Rally. We can add a name: that of Yaël Braun-Pivet, whom En Marche! and his allies propose for the presidency of the National Assembly.

Unexpected consequence: a form of sorority floats in the corridors of the Palais Bourbon, according to the statements of the first concerned. “I am happy for these women who assert themselves“, slips an Insubordinate. Same returns from the side of the executive, with a minister who even expects that the dialogue will be of better quality than in the past, because, she says of a “female leadership perhaps more suited to dialogue and consensus.”

Confidence of another MP: “There must be women in all key positions of power”. This elected leftist would be delighted to see a president at the head of the prestigious Finance Committee. It is a confidence that says a lot… because Eric Coquerel, deputy of Seine Saint Denis, is for the moment pre-positioned to be the sole candidate of Nupes for this presidency. But this chosen one from its ranks would have no problem with a woman taking her place.

We will have to look at the details of the votes very closely next Thursday to see if there is a gender vote. In the meantime, the one who benefits the most for the moment from this sorority is Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister.

Again, surprising confidence on the left: “Elisabeth Borne, I spare her a lot even if she is on the right.“A form of restraint in the name of defending the place of women at the top. The sentence makes the entourage of the Prime Minister scream. “It’s frightening when it comes to gendered political practice.”, reacts a relative. “According to this logic, Marine Le Pen should therefore also be spared?” asks the same, who nevertheless notes that to date, the strongest attacks against the Prime Minister come from her own political family.

The report is drawn up in these terms, believed: “It is at home that she is the target of machos.“What to ask this question: will the war of the sexes take place in the National Assembly?

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