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In the Hérault, justice has just ordered, Tuesday, April 5, the return to 80 km / h on the roads, and this while the department had precisely decided to return to 90 km / h. The decision is controversial.
On the departmental roads of the Hérault, it may soon be necessary to drive more slowly, from 90 to 80 km/h. The change could take place from June 1, 2022. After 2018 and 2020, this is the third change in four years. Drivers are divided. One of them prefers to stay at 90 km/h “because 80 is not suitable”. Another regret “no longer knowing how much to drive, it becomes anything I find”. A motorist, meanwhile, thinks it’s better for the planet “with pollution”.
The League Against Road Violence won the case. The administrative court of Montpelier (Hérault) canceled the 25 decrees of the departmental council which authorized motorists to drive up to 90 km / h. In 2021, 75 people died on the roads of Hérault, compared to 70 in 2019. The departmental council believes that this decision will not change anything on the roads.