will the next pandemic come from Brazil?…Watch the new interview with “C quoi l’info?”


Every day from Monday to Friday, Camille Dahan and Nacer Boubekeur offer young people aged 12 to 18 an overview of current events.

With his new documentary series, “Zoonoses: At the origins of pandemics” on YouTube, science popularizer Antoine vs Science takes us to the heart of the Amazon forest, in Brazil, to meet scientists and bats, to try to understand where pandemics come from. He looks back on his entire adventure with Nacer Boubekeur for “C quoi l’info?” “.

“The next pandemic will come from Brazil.” The title of the second episode of the new documentary series “Zoonoses: the origins of pandemics” on YouTube, from Antoine vs science, sets the tone. The science popularizer devoted three episodes of around twenty minutes, immersed in Brazil, to “zoonoses”, these human diseases transmitted by animals. However, nothing predestined Antoine vs Science to produce a series on this subject: “Me, initially, I am not a biologist. I came across an article and I said to myself, this is a crazy subject! And it completely devastated me,” he tells Nacer Boubekeur enthusiastically. “I spent my nights reading articles about it, not understanding anything. And then I said to myself, come on, go, I took my camera and I went there. »

60% of human diseases come from animals.

It is therefore in the heart of Brazil, between caves, roads, and Amazonian forests that the videographer takes us, in search of bats, to try to explain the origin of pandemics: “60% of human diseases come from animals”, he informs, before specifying: “Ebola, rabies, SARS, are diseases where, at one point, there was an animal that had a bacteria, a virus or a fungus. The more we share the ecosystem with certain animals, the more we also share viruses. » Zoonoses which can also be transmitted by pets.

Deforestation could promote pandemics.

Another point he raises in his documentary: human intervention on nature could have consequences on the spread of pandemics. He explains: “With deforestation, we will affect habitat by removing it. That is to say that when you build a highway, animals have difficulty crossing the highway. It will unbalance the food chain. (…) ». With forest reduction, livestock are more concentrated, allowing bats to travel fewer miles and therefore grow in greater numbers. Data that allows scientists to predict potential future pandemics: three areas are currently at risk, the Amazon, sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia.

What’s the news? is franceinfo’s daily news meeting for middle and high school students. A 5-minute format, Monday to Friday, available on franceinfo.fr and can be found on our channel Youtubeour account Snapchat and our account TikTok And Instagram.

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