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The pension reform project will be voted on in the National Assembly on Thursday March 16. On the eve of the vote, journalist Guillaume Daret, in duplex from the Élysée Palace, takes stock.
The pension reform will be voted on in the National Assembly on Thursday March 16. “The hypothesis of recourse to article 49.3 was not mentioned in the Council of Ministers“, introduces Guillaume Daret, in duplex from the Élysée Palace, Wednesday, March 15. Thus, the government’s strategy remains the same, namely “try to build a majority by getting the votes of the deputies Les Républicains“, explains the journalist.
“An admission of failure for Elisabeth Borne”
Recourse to section 49.3 would have serious consequences for the government. Guillaume Daret emphasizes: “[Ça] would be an admission of failure for Elisabeth Borne, it would politically complicate the continuation of Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term and then it would give some fuel to the unions.“Before continuing:”Conversely, the government hopes that a classic vote will crack the union front.“For the time being, a speech by the president is not planned before the adoption of the reform.