Will the ex-rapper go up the stairs? A columnist from TPMP balances the long-awaited answer!

The 75th edition of the Cannes Film Festival, which will take place from May 17 to 28, will be marked by an event! Nearly ten years after its last hit, Diam’s will make its big public comeback. The ex-rapper will present the documentary Hello (“Peace” in Arabic, editor’s note), which she co-directed with Houda Benyamina and Anne Cissé. In the press release from the production company GrossXit is indicated that Mélanie Georgiades, of her real name, “is told with an open heart”. “For the first time facing the camera, she confides in fame, psychiatry, the quest for meaning and her conversion to Islam. She takes us on the trail of Diam’s and reveals in this intimate and modest story the secrets of her story”can we read.

Information to which Benjamin Castaldi wished to return, Friday, May 6. The host who replaced Cyril Hanouna spoke about this big subject in the company of his columnists. Besides some with some information to share about it. In particular Guillaume Genton but also Bernard Montiel.

“What is told in this documentary are his excesses, all the stays in a psychiatric hospital as well, his suicide attempts, his conversion to Islam in 2008”detailed the ex-presenter of Video Gag. Then he then threw out a big piece of information: “What I can reveal to you is that she will not be going to the Cannes Film Festival, to present the film”, he blurted out. What to disappoint in particular Ludivine Rétory, big fan of the interpreter of the Pellet. The latter revealed to be very impatient to discover this documentary. “It’s a shame but it makes sense”, resumed Bernard Montiel. “It’s consistent (…) she devotes herself to her family and her faith. She is happy like that and therefore she does not need to climb the steps of Cannes which is still a big show, rhinestones and glitter. ..”

See also: Diam’s converted to Islam: does she regret it? His strong message…

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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