will the Climate law discourage investors?

In a study published by the real estate site PAP.fr, 32% of owners surveyed plan to gradually withdraw from rental investment, which could reduce the rental market and worsen the housing crisis in large cities. Details from Charlie Cailloux, legal advisor for the real estate site PAP.fr.

franceinfo: Can we start by reviewing the Climate Law of last August?

Charlie Cailloux: Yes, I think it’s worth talking about it again, since the study you cited indicates that a third of landlords do not know that homes classified in F or G will be prohibited for renting respectively in 2025 and 2028. And in 2034, it will be classified E housing that will become indecent, and therefore unknowable. Clearly, the main obligation for lessors classified F and G is therefore to quickly undertake energy saving work that will allow them to gain one or two energy classes.

Do work or resell?

Indeed, 32% of the owners questioned plan to withdraw gradually from rental investment, which means that in the short or medium term many homes usually rented could find themselves on the sale market, and ultimately a reduction in the rental price. housing stock available for rent. Let’s say that between rent control and work obligations, obligations for lessors have accumulated to the point of discouraging some of them from renting.

What can demotivate owners is also the lack of knowledge and complexity of the work to be done and the help available!

You are right ! Among the owners of classified F and G housing (the first concerned therefore), nearly 60% have no idea of ​​the cost of the work to be undertaken in order to be able to continue renting and 72% did not inquire about the aid available in financing of the works.

How does the State intend to allay fears and encourage energy renovation work?

In two ways! First of all by strengthening financial aid such as MaPrimRénov. Then, by pedagogy, and it will take a lot! If the deadlines are met (and there is little time left), from January 2022, individuals will be able to turn to France Rénov ‘, the public home renovation service, which will become the single point of entry for all work route.

This service will provide free and personalized information and advice on aids and will refer to the competent professionals. To do this, a france-renov.gouv.fr website, a telephone number (0.808.800.700) and more than 450 “Espaces Conseil France Rénov ‘” throughout France.

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