will the absence of Eric Ciotti give space on the right to the RN?

Éric Ciotti will ultimately not go to the meetings in Saint-Denis around the head of state on Friday November 17. After Olivier Faure of the PS and Manuel Bompard of LFI, this defection of the boss of LR makes people cringe.

Éric Ciotti has decided: he will not participate in the meetings in Saint-Denis between Emmanuel Macron and the party leaders. There is one that Eric Ciotti’s faux pas rather amused, it is Manuel Bompard.

The coordinator of La France Insoumise, who had decided to boycott a week ago, even has a tip for Emmanuel Macron: “He just needs to find an excuse to cancel, and never reschedule this meeting”. Advice that the head of state will not follow since, despite the empty chairs, the Élysée ensures that the doors remain open if some change their minds by Friday. Éric Ciotti will be absent, but there will still be an LR around the table: the President of the Senate Gérard Larcher.

More time “to talk about ecology”

This cancellation by the boss of LR does not discourage the few other opposition leaders who planned to come. The ecologist Marine Tondelier maintains her participation. Those around him even see it as an opportunity: “It will give us more time to talk about ecology.”. Fabien Roussel will go too. The communist wants to talk about Palestine and purchasing power with the President.

Another analysis from Olivier Faure, where we do not regret having canceled our order first: “It’s even more embarrassing for the left to hold the candle in the Macron-Bardella face to face.” slips a socialist. Jordan Bardella never had the slightest hesitation: he will be there in Saint-Denis. For the boss of the RN, this type of meeting is another step in the recognition of his party.

More space for Jordan Bardella

On the majority side, we are embarrassed by this disappointment. “Without Ciotti, it loses its strength”, grimaces a Renaissance deputy. However, the program was tailor-made for LR: Emmanuel Macron dangling an opening of the referendum to migration issues. “LR has been bothering us with this for months and Ciotti isn’t coming, it’s crazy,” torpedoes a party leader. “I don’t know if it’s worse for the President or for LRasks an advisor to the executive, for the head of state, it’s not “great” that Bardella comes and not Ciotti, but it’s also bad for LR which is theoretically a government party”. Some consider the winner of this case to be Jordan Bardella, who “will be able to boastregrets a frame, to be the true right who speaks to the president”.

As for Hervé Marseille, the boss of the UDI – who will be in Saint-Denis on Friday – he has a meeting tomorrow with Stéphane Séjourné, the boss of Renaissance. On the agenda for this meeting: the European elections. The UDI, LR’s historic ally, is getting closer and closer to the presidential majority.

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