“Will Smith would not have slapped The Rock”, Howard Stern is loose on the actor after his skid at the Oscars 2022!

This new edition of the Oscars 2022 did not go unnoticed last night. Indeed, Will Smith did not appreciate a joke dropped by Chris Rock about his wife Jada Pinkett Smith and her haircut while he was unaware of his illness. From there, the actor slapped him.

Back on stage to receive the Oscar for best actor of the year, Will Smith has chosen to apologize. “I want to apologize to the Academyalong with all the other nominees. Richard Williams was a staunch defender of his family. I am overwhelmed by what is happening to me. Love makes you do crazy things. My vocation is to love people and to protect them and to be an anchor for my loved ones. In this job, some will disrespect you and you have to smile, act like it’s normal. Denzel Washington just told me: watch out the devil always comes in moments of triumph” he let out in tears.

While many celebrities reacted to all of this with very divided opinions, Howard Stern did not mince his words. Indeed, the radio host did not hesitate to point the finger at his behavior in SiriusXM Show this Monday, March 28, 2022.”Poor Chris Rock. He’s a comedian who tries to make people laugh during this horrible ceremony (…) He compared Jada Pinkett Smith to one of the most beautiful women in the world, Demi Moore” he blurted out at first.

Howard Stern then revealed that all of this wouldn’t have happened if another personality had done this to him. “If Jason Momoa or The Rock had made that joke, Will Smith, like a dick, would have said, ‘Thanks for recognizing my wife Mr. Momoa'”. Moreover, he does not understand how the security did not react to all this. And he is not the only one since the Oscars ceremony condemns his misconduct and announced that it had opened an investigation. It remains to be seen whether the father of the family will be sanctioned for his behavior. At least that has the merit of being clear!

See also: Will Smith saves a fan’s life

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