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Since Thursday, February 24, the war is officially underway in Ukraine, more particularly in Kiev, the capital. Targeted by multiple bombings, could the city fall into the hands of the Kremlin?
Ukrainian forces took a few boxes and ran from their headquarters in the center of Kiev (Ukraine) on the morning of Friday, February 25. This says a lot about the tension present within the Ukrainian army. Russian forces are closing in. The inhabitants who dare to go out into the streets applaud their soldiers, wanting to believe that a resistance is still possible.
The shelling intensified overnight. “It was terrible, horrible shelling, and it got worse around 4am, 5am”, testifies a French national. Others have taken refuge in the metro. The anguish and bewilderment can be read on the faces. “I’m here, because I think it’s one of the only places right now where you can hide in Kyiv”explains a Ukrainian. “I feel anxious, it’s so unusual. None of this feels real”, says another. Some preferred to flee, creating huge traffic jams. The President called for national mobilization.