Will objects bearing the effigy of the new King Charles III be as popular as those linked to the Queen?

In the arms of Maria, a Spanish tourist in London, a statuette with a tottering head, magnets for the fridge and a medium-sized flag. Total bill: 25 pounds sterling, or about 28 euros, for objects that exclusively represent Queen Elizabeth II, who died on September 8 and was buried last Monday. “I tell myself that it’s a collector’s item, it’s a kind of tribute too”explains the 30-year-old, who was the day before on the route of the funeral procession between London and Windsor Castle (England).

However, objects in the image of the famous monarch are not in danger of disappearing from the shelves, quite the contrary. “In the royal family, she is the one who attracts the most customers, followed by Princess Diana. We will still be asked for them for a long time”says Osman, store manager. However, we do not know if Charles will be so successful…”. Among London sellers, the same uncertainty everywhere, even if some customers are starting to demand objects in the image of the new king, as Shahil, a souvenir seller at Piccadilly Circus, explains to franceinfo.

It must be said that the sector is juicy. The British, as much as the tourists, do not hesitate to put their hands in their wallets to take home a little royalty, even if the giveaways in question are mostly made in China. “Every year, I buy one or two objects, says Gordon, a Welshman passing through the British capital. I have a small shelf at home with all sorts of useless little things. I especially like the funny figurines. But the 50-year-old does not call himself a collector. “I leave that to the crown aficionados!”he laughs.

According to several studies (link in English) from the British Center for Retail Research (CRR), any change in the royal family (births, marriages, deaths) boosts sales of derivative objects. Organized last June, the platinum jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, for example, generated more than 330 million euros just for the sale of souvenirs. That’s more than double the sales around the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton in 2011, which already exceeded 150 million euros. Quoted by The Parisiana study by the Swiss bank Mirabaud estimates that the Queen’s funeral will result in an increase of 69 million euros.

It remains to be seen what souvenir shops will offer in the coming months. “We placed a few orders for objects bearing the image of the king, two or three days after the death of the queen, explains a manager of a stall a stone’s throw from the Thames. We were worried he would leave the throne to his son, but he seems to want to stay there so we’re trying some products.” For this retailer, mugs are a safe bet – vst is also the best-selling derivative object, reminiscent of the CRR. The delivery time is estimated at ten days, because the producers are all in Asia. “From what I’ve seen, we will first have very sober objects, he details, with simple photos of the king and especially the new anthem: God Save The King.”

But the smooth personality of Charles III and his very recent accession to the throne should not make these objects bestsellers upon their arrival. “It still lacks a strong statement, a slogan of its own perhaps, believes Elise, a Londoner who came that morning for some shopping that she intends to offer to Italian friends. “The queen had her flashy outfits, her flawless smile. Without a distinctive sign, it will not captivate the crowds.”, she adds. Magnanimous, souvenir sellers in downtown London await the next flagship event: the coronation ceremony of King Charles III, which should take place in the spring or summer of 2023 according to the British press. The fans of royals still have some time to make room on their shelves.

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