Will Novak Djokovic solve the health crisis? The tennis player has made an amazing investment

Arrived on January 4 in Australia to participate in the Grand Slam tournament which starts the season, Novak Djokovic found itself in the middle of an unprecedented imbroglio. Blocked at customs with a visa presenting a medical exemption, he who still refuses to be vaccinated against Covid-19, he was finally authorized to enter the territory after several days at the hotel. A few days later, the government decided and the world number 1 was forced to leave Melbourne to return home.

Quite upset by the situation and currently thinking about legal action to take against the Australian authorities, the Serbian tennis player may have found a way to get public opinion back in his pocket. As his sponsors begin to wonder if they’ve bet on the right horse, one piece of information could change everything. The Reuters agency published a surprising piece of information on Wednesday January 19: Novak Djokovic has acquired 80% of a Danish biotech company, QuantBioRes, who is currently working on a treatment for the coronavirus.

An investment that dates back to June 2020

It was the boss of the company, Ivan Loncarevic, who revealed the information during an interview with the English press agency. According to him, the investment in his company by the husband of Jelena Djokovic dates back to June 2020, but he did not reveal the amount of the operation. But beware, QuantBioRes is not working on a new vaccine, but of course treatment for Covid-19. The company also plans to launch clinical trials in Britain next summer. Moreover, the Serb is involved almost equally with his wife, since they each hold around 40% of the company’s shares.

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