will military service return to the country?


Video length: 2 min

Germany: will military service make a return to the country?

Germany: will military service make a return to the country?


With the Russian threat looming over Europe, Germany is considering reestablishing conscription, which has disappeared since 2011. After years of underinvestment, the army is struggling to recruit.

Faced with the Russian threat, the German government plans to reinstate military service, which disappeared in 2011. “We need courageous young women and men who can serve to defend our country in the event of an attack”, explains Boris Pistorius, German Minister of Defense. According to polls, a majority of Germans are in favor of a return to military service. The first people concerned are not enthusiastic.

Two of the three coalition parties are opposed to it

Military service could also generate vocations, because the army has difficulty recruiting. In 2023, the German army had 181,500 soldiers. Its objective is to reach 203,000 in 2031. In 2024, the number of employees has declined, despite advertising campaigns. After years of underinvestment, the army lacks resources. Some political leaders want the return of conscription from 2025, but the objective seems difficult to achieve. Two of the three parties in the ruling coalition are opposed to it.

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