The mayor of Pau was acquitted for the benefit of the doubt, Monday, by the Paris criminal court, in the affair of the parliamentary assistants of the MoDem and the UDF. The former presidential candidate finds it astonishing that “everyone is condemned except the president” of the party.
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“Will Marine Le Pen benefit from the same benevolence from the court as François Bayrou?” asked Monday February 5 on franceinfo Corinne Lepage, lawyer specializing in the environment, former MoDem MEP from 2009 to 2014. The mayor of Pau was acquitted for the benefit of the doubt, Monday, by the Paris criminal court, in the affair of the parliamentary assistants of the MoDem and the UDF. For the same reasons Marine Le Pen, president of the RN group in the National Assembly and 26 other people, including her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, were referred to the criminal court for embezzlement of public funds. The trial is scheduled for fall 2024.
“The president of the party knew nothing. I am surprised. If the court judged him, I suppose he had elements to say so. It is surprising, especially since the legal entity is heavily condemned”, reacted Corinne Lepage about François Bayrou. The two parties, the MoDem and the UDF, were fined as legal entities. In total, of the 11 defendants, eight were convicted, three were released, including François Bayrou.
“I don’t think this judgment will greatly reconcile the French with politics and policies”she reacted, being surprised at the “causes everyone to be convicted except the president” party. Corinne Lepage wonders if “Marine Le Pen will benefit from the same benevolence of the court as François Bayrou, considering that a party president is not necessarily aware of the way in which his party is organized”.