Will Marie-Sophie Lacarrau spend another year on TF1?

A “Nice surprise from my great team!” Posing behind a cake that we guess chocolate on this black and white shot, Marie-Sophie Lacarrau smiles on her Instagram account… This Friday, September 23, she unofficially blew out her 47 candles in the office, three days after her real birthday. Also adding in caption: “I finally take the time to thank you for all your many messages this week!” The journalist had in fact posted an article from the “Parisien” some time earlier in which some loyal viewers of her JT expressed their distress following the showdown between Canal+ and TF1. Indeed, since the beginning of September, all the channels of the TF1 group were no longer broadcast by the encrypted channel in mainland France, penalizing many households addicted to the 1 p.m. television news and… its presenter.

The journalist had to leave her chair abruptly

An episode of additional trouble for the Aveyron journalist who, since her arrival on the first channel, has experienced many problems. Chosen to replace the unbeatable and unforgettable Jean-Pierre Pernaut, Marie-Sophie Lacarrau had initially struggled to find her place and win. Still suffering from the comparison with her predecessor, she was regularly mocked or even attacked on social networks. A stroke of fate, barely a few months after taking up the chair, the journalist had to leave him suddenly, victim of amoebic keratitis. An “infection of the cornea by amoebae, parasites present in tap water. (…) My eye had to be reaccustomed to light, re-educated. At first I wore sunglasses then I started to remove them. My eye has resumed its habits with an ambient light”, she confided to the “Parisian”, last May, during her big return to the antenna, after almost three months of absence.

“I see the glass half full”

To our colleagues from “Daily”, on TMC, she had nevertheless declared to relate things: “I kind of want everything, and I may even ask myself fewer questions than before. I think it helped me to be more optimistic and positive, I see the glass half full rather than half empty.” However, the scores on his return from vacation had not lived up to the expectations of the leaders of TF1 who had not hesitated to spread rumors of departure… for 0.3 lost audience points.
Today, faced with this cake that calls for wishes, let’s bet that the journalist wants above all to consolidate her place… and face a new season filled, finally, with good news!

France Live

See also:

“Soft and tasteless” critics fuse on Marie-Sophie Lacarrau

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