Will it take some getting used to taking regular booster doses?



France 3

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The fight against Covid-19 could go on for a long time. Faced with all the variants, will a fourth dose be required, as well as other regular booster doses?

Will booster doses of Covid-19 vaccine become a habit? “It’s very possible, we don’t know, that’s the problem”, comments the doctor Marina Carrère d’Encausse, who recalls that the pandemic “is linked to a virus which was completely unknown. [La] second dose we thought it would be effective six, seven, eight, nine, we realized that it was effective six, and rather five months “, she continues.

It is therefore difficult to determine how long the new booster dose will be effective. “We do not know if this [nouvelle] wave will last “, adds Marina Carrère d’Encausse, specifying that it is therefore “possible that it is necessary to make a recall every year as for the flu”. While there are still many questions about Covid-19, the answers are therefore not so obvious. “We must remain very humble”, concludes the specialist.

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