will he be able to defuse the conflict with Ukraine?


Article written by

S.Perez, J.Assouly, A.Zouioueche, B.Geron P.Deslandes, D.Turpin, R.Sicard, B.de Saint-Jore – France 2

France Televisions

The interview has been going on since 4:30 p.m. on Monday, February 7. From one end of a table to the other, Emmanuel Macron is face to face with Vladimir Putin in order to convince him not to attack Ukraine. What concessions can he get from the Russian president?

No official greeting or handshakes. The arrival of Emmanuel Macron is like the face to face: discreet and strict. The French president intervenes as a mediator. The Russian president, for his part, greets Emmanuel Macron from a distance, at the other end of the table several meters long. Vladimir Putin alluded to his concerns: the security of his country in the face of this fear of invasion by its Ukrainian neighbor.

The conflict is based on concessions

“I see how much effort the leaders of France and particularly the French president are making to resolve the crisis linked to the guarantee of equal security in Europe”, said Vladimir Putin. Emmanuel Macron repeats that he wants to temporize. Russia denies its intention to invade, but the 125,000 Russian soldiers ready to intervene are worrying. The conflict now rests on the possible compromises that Russia could accept, according to an expert. Tomorrow, Emmanuel Macron will meet the Ukrainian President.

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