Scheduled for a session in the Senate on November 6, the immigration bill should be debated in the Assembly to be adopted by Parliament before the end of the year. The executive needs a majority for this text and is making concessions to the right.
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There is no longer any question of dragging out, after having procrastinated for a long time on the immigration bill, a complex text, the government wants to accelerate. Because the political context, national and international, has obviously changed. The return of the terrorist threat encourages the executive to consider a strong and rapid legislative response. There is an urgent need to reassure public opinion.
Since Friday October 13 and the Islamist attack in Arras, Gérald Darmanin has multiplied his martial declarations. He ordered the prefects to scrutinize the situation of foreigners listed as S for radicalization and recommends the systematic expulsion of all those deemed “dangerous” by the intelligence services. Place Beauvau, for example, announced on Tuesday that 11 Russians from the Caucasus, like the Arras killer, could be deported.
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A response more political than legal. Gérald Darmanin also encourages prefects to accelerate the expulsions of dangerous individuals, even if it means that some of these decisions are overturned by the administrative judge. He deplores seeing his action hampered by a certain number of legal limits and he calls the French and the right to witness: with his new text, he certifies that he could finally act effectively and that he could, for example, have expelled the terrorist of Arras before he took action.
The Minister of the Interior puts pressure on LR
Gérald Darmanin places particular emphasis on two articles. One which authorizes the expulsion of a convicted foreigner even if he arrived in France before the age of 13. And another which authorizes the expulsion of a foreigner accused of “non-respect of republican values”, that is to say of adherence to Islamist ideology, even if he has not yet been convicted . A legal innovation which promises to give rise to appeals before the Constitutional Council.
This turn of the screw could satisfy the right. It is the hope of Gérald Darmanin who needs it to obtain an absolute majority. It puts pressure on LR who will have difficulty voting against such an arsenal in the current context of terrorist threat. Incidentally, even if this provision has no connection, we can fear that the promise of a new residence permit to regularize undocumented immigrants who work in professions in shortage will pay the price of an agreement between the government and the right against a backdrop of security escalation.