Will electronic voting be introduced, as messages on social networks claim?

Does the government foresee the possibility of being able to vote electronically for the next presidential election? This is what affirms, or rather denounces, a message very shared on social networks. The publication, relayed in particular by Florian Philippot, president of the Patriots, affirms that electronic voting will be implemented and that it will allow “massive fraud”.

To support the point, the message is accompanied by a video that seems to be taken from an info channel, since there is a banner at the bottom of the screen that evokes the 5th wave of Covid, but above all we see Gabriel Attal, the government spokesperson, saying this: “There is a commitment within the framework of the presidential campaign to allow a vote electronic to the French who wish. And this commitment, it is reactivated, reinforced by the health crisis. “ Except that everything is wrong. The True from False cell explains you.

The message disseminated on social networks, and whose video has accumulated more than 50,000 views on Facebook, is false. Moreover, Gabriel Attal denounces on Twitter “a manipulation unacceptable.

The words Gabriel Attal made in the video were really spoken but that was almost a year ago. We find a trace of it here. Clearly, this video was deliberately taken out of its context and those who published it on the internet added a false information banner that evokes the 5th wave of Covid, to make believe that the video is current. Especially since this false headband is very practical since it hides the date on the minister’s desk.

In reality, this video dates from February 17, 2021. And listening to the press conference again (from the 28th minute), we see that Gabriel Attal answers a question from a journalist about an amendment submitted to the time in parliament to propose remote voting. Amendment which moreover had been rejected, but this, the video which runs on the social networks does not specify it.

Finally, even if it was a campaign commitment by Emmanuel Macron, the government spokesperson confirmed to Franceinfo that electronic voting is not on the agenda by the end of the five-year term. On April 10 and 24, you will have to go to the voting booth, as usual, to be able to vote.

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