will doctor consultations soon increase to 30 euros?


Video length: 2 min

Health: will doctor’s consultations soon increase to 30 euros?

Health: will doctor’s consultations soon increase to 30 euros? – (France 2)

By the end of 2024, a consultation with the doctor could increase to 30 euros. Social Security requires compensation from doctors in exchange for this increase.

After weeks of negotiations with the Primary Health Insurance Fund, will the doctors win their case? Their consultation should be increased and could go, in a few months, from 26.50 euros to 30 euros. The increase, demanded by doctors’ unions, is welcomed with understanding, but also with vigilance, by patients. “If we always get reimbursed the same, for me it doesn’t change anything”assures a man.

Social security asks for compensation from doctors

The increase would not come into force before the end of 2024, which does not satisfy a general practitioner who has been established for 33 years. In exchange for this increase, Social Security requires compensation from doctors: accepting more patients with long-term illnesses, strengthening prevention, particularly cancer screenings, and making better prescriptions, with fewer antibiotics. Doctors would also have to do more on-call duty, which is a source of tension.

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