Will Amele stay in “TPMP”? Cyril Hanouna makes a huge statement about him!

It is with great surprise that viewers of TPMP found a well-known head in the show this Monday, January 9. Not because the person in question had already officiated in the program as a columnist, but because she had been invited on set several weeks ago. Indeed, Amel had come to ask the government to react to the dilapidated school in which her children were studying.

“Remind us, you came to defend your son. How’s high school going anyway?!”launched Cyril Hanouna when he received his new columnist who answered him: “They redid the toilets. The minister came the day after the broadcast. With the whole delegation… Work is in progress”. The opportunity for her to note that her passage in the daily life of C8 helped her greatly to make things happen.

Does Amel stay in “TPMP”?

She did not fail to recall it: “Like what you have to go to TPMP for things to move”. But viewers noticed a detail that bothered them greatly: the fact that she wore the veil during her visit. Although we are in France and it is a country in which the citizens are free, some have regretted it, taking the struggle of Iranian women as an example. “And to think that in some countries women fight not to wear the veil and are even killed”, “No but what is that, chewing gum with its veil no respect that one, what a shame to do come this”some lamented.

Not enough to question the opinion of Cyril Hanouna. The host of TPMP was convinced for its big premiere in the daily newspaper of C8 and officially announced, this Monday, January 9, that Amel had won his place on the show. “My Amel is joining the team of #TPMP columnists! She was incredible for her first TV, you’ll find her around the table, she passed the test!”.

See also: Le Graët-Zidane case: Cyril Hanouna gets involved… And throws out a cliché that says it all!


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