Wildfires in the West | Jasper town ravaged by flames

(Jasper) “It’s a monster.” The wildfire that has burned nearly half of Jasper, Alberta’s iconic resort town, was still burning as of late Thursday evening. With homes reduced to ashes and cars burned to the ground, the first images from the town since the blaze hit showed entire streets razed by flames, sparking shock across the country.

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“I think I will remember this evening for the rest of my life.”

Julien Mailhot has been a server at the Jasper Park Lodge restaurant for about ten years. He was working Monday night when he sensed something was wrong. “The wind picked up, the sky turned orange. We stopped taking orders at the restaurant. There was smoke all the way to the lake, we couldn’t see anything,” he says.


Satellite image of wildfires southeast of Jasper, Alberta, Wednesday

Shortly after, he received an alert, then an evacuation order. “It all happened really fast,” he says. He went home, grabbed a few things and hit the road with his wife, 7-year-old daughter and two cats. “I thought we’d be back in two or three days,” he says.

Seventy-two hours later, from a hotel in Grand Prairie, he anxiously monitors images of Jasper circulating on social media. According to the information he has been able to glean, several buildings have burned near his home. His house may have been spared, but a fire is still burning nearby. “We’re completely in the dark,” he says. “I don’t know when I’ll be able to go back and get my stuff.”

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