Wildfires in Alberta | Oil companies resume interrupted production

(Calgary) Crescent Point Energy announced on Monday that it has resumed production at its operations that had been shut down due to the Alberta wildfires.

The Calgary-based company was one of several oil and natural gas producers that were forced to temporarily halt production in the Kaybob Duvernay area earlier this month as wildfires raged rabies in central and northern Alberta.

At one point, analysts estimated production equivalent to more than 200,000 barrels of oil per day was shut down across Alberta.

But as the situation improves, some businesses have been able to resume operations. Crescent Point noted that in the past week it has brought production back into service representing the equivalent of 45,000 barrels of oil per day at Kaybob Duvernay.

She added that no damage was done to the company’s assets.

On Monday, Paramount Resources also said it had restored most of the production it had temporarily halted. Paramount said it has fully resumed operations in the Grande Prairie region, and all of its production, except for 5,000 of the 14,000 barrels per day still shut down in the Kaybob region, should be active again within a week.

Alberta remains in a state of emergency, with fire danger rated as very high in northern regions of the province, and moderate to high in central and southern regions.

The province currently has 50 active wildfires, including 14 that are still not contained.

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