Wild goats from Ouessant found dead after being transferred to the mainland

Transferred to the mainland, goats from Ouessant were found dead on their arrival in Le Conquet. They were transported with “less precautions than goods”, denounces the Robin Hood association, which does not rule out taking legal action.

On the island of Ouessant, the proliferation of wild goats and the damage they cause had been debated for months, and now their transfer to the mainland is now at the heart of the news.

Some goats “were transported with less care than goods, and some did not survive”, says Robin des Bois, who reserves the right to file a complaint.

The association which leads a campaign against the cruelty of the transport by sea of ​​live animals and which claims to be regularly confronted with such incidents between the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean is angry: “This did not happen on an old bailey flying the flag of Togo, but between Ouessant and mainland Brittany”.

Died by suffocation following their capture, overcrowding, lack of water and stress…

Robin Hood Association

Wednesday, July 5, says the association, “about 80 goats made the crossing in a road cattle truck with a maximum capacity of 20 to 30 goats or sheep”.

“The truck embarked from Ouessant on deck bound for the mainland on the Molenez, a 35 m long coaster belonging to the shipowner Penn Ar Bed, a subsidiary of Keolis”.

“Several goats were found to have died from suffocation due to capture, overcrowding, lack of water and stress.”

We unloaded the goats at Le Conquet to save an hour and relieve them

The Penn Ar Bed Company

For its part, the Penn Ar Bed confirms having embarked the animals around 10:30 in the morning.

“We had been contacted by an owner on the island who wanted to bring his goats across. But how long had the cattle truck been in port, how long had the animals been inside when we got them? supported? That, on the other hand, I do not know”, says David Roulleaux, the director of the Company

“Upon arrival, when a farmer from Le Conquet came to collect them, we found that two goats had unfortunately not survived. And that there were about forty animals on board… ‘be responsible for anything. I don’t have the Company’s 50-year history in mind, but it’s the first time that’s happened since I’ve been here,’ ends David Roulleaux.

Robin des Bois reserves the right to go to court

According to Robin Hood, “the cattle truck then continued on its way to the Monts d’Arrée with the corpses and survivors in the trailer”.

“All actors in this cabal against wild animals must be sought”, sued the association, which reserves the right to go to court. “There are still several dozen goats on the island of Ouessant. It is essential that a pause be declared in their transfer and that a wide consultation be deployed to ensure their future”.

Contacted, the mayor of Ouessant indicates for his part that he has no information on the transfer. “I was informed yesterday that the goats had left. It was the free-roaming goats that were causing the problem. People were fed up, they were going back to their property, breaking down walls. We lobbied for them to leave. says Denis Palluel. “The presumed owner sent them to a farmer who was to distribute them to people who want to do eco-grazing at home. That’s all I know.”

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