Wife, children, fortune… who really is Denis Brogniart when he is not the conductor of “Koh-Lanta”?

Become famous thanks to “Koh-Lanta”, Denis Brogniart very quickly won the hearts of viewers. Each year, the flagship host of TF1 is also in the top 15 favorite personalities of the French. Considered a sports junkie, the presenter leads a life punctuated by exercise. “Sport is both a need and a necessity. It’s physical, physiological…”, he confided in March 2021 in the columns of West France. Between running, cycling and swimming, the Dijonnais is in top form. “This bucolic living environment is my greatest asset. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, not even the most beautiful apartment in Paris”he added.

A breathtaking salary

An apartment that he could however afford without any problem since according to information from the planetegrandesecoles.com site, his fortune would be between 6 and 8 million euros. “Regarding his salary, it was determined that a professional appearance by Denis Brogniart cost 15,000 euros”. A sum that makes you dream.

Denis Brogniart married for years

If all goes well on the professional side, on the heart side, the host is also in heaven. For nearly 20 years, the latter has shared his life with a certain Hortense, whom he met “in the corridors of LCI”. Since then, the two lovebirds do not let go of a sole. Together, they even founded a nice little family. Already the father of a boy named Dimitri, Denis Brogniart and his wife have welcomed twins (Violette and Lili, 14 years old, editor’s note) as well as a little girl named Blanche (12 years old).

Very discreet about his private life, the one who also presents “Ninja Warrior” very rarely mentions his family. It’s in the columns of Paris Match that Denis Brogniart had agreed to say more about his wife’s profession. Indeed, the latter made the decision to draw a line under her career as a journalist in order to devote herself to taxidermy. “Nothing surprising for this lover of nature and animals”confided the star of “Koh-Lanta” who finds himself today at the heart of a dark affair after being accused of moral harassment by former collaborators.


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