why you shouldn’t miss the final between Lyon and Toulon

For the fifth time in seven editions, the Challenge Cup will go to a French club. Lyon Olympique Universitaire and Rugby Club Toulon will face each other on Friday May 27 at 9 p.m. in the final of the little sister of the Champions Cup. Neck and neck in the Top 14, Rhodaniens and Varois will cross swords in Marseille, in a final full of suspense. Here are four reasons to follow this meeting, broadcast on France 4 and france.tv.

Because the LOU can open its European prize list

You don’t remember a major title for Lyon? Nothing more normal, because, apart from three Pro D2 titles gleaned during the past decade, the LOU has won nothing since the interwar period.

So, inevitably, this final is of capital importance for the Rhodaniens. Long stuck in the anonymity of the Second Division, Lyon has settled, for a few years, in the top of the basket of the Top 14. But even twice semi-finalist of the domestic championship (2018 and 2019), the LOU does not has not yet materialized this new status.

“We are 80 minutes away from winning a trophy, and it’s never too early for that”confirmed the international third line Dylan Cretin in Noon Olympic. It is also a question of saving a season with an uncertain outcome: eighth in the Top 14 with one day to go, the LOU is not certain of joining the final stages.

Because the RCT is in great shape

We thought he was offside after a disastrous start to the season, punctuated by a last place in February. But reinvigorated by the returns of several executives, injured (Serin, Ollivon) or in selection (Villière, Gros), Toulon has been making a thunderous comeback for three months. Nothing can resist him in the Top 14, where the RCT, seventh and victorious in nine of its last eleven games, is seeking qualification – unthinkable this winter – for the final stages.

In Challenge Cup, Toulon offered the scalp of London Irish and Saracens in a boosted Mayol. A victory on Friday would be his first trophy since 2015 and would definitively confirm the comeback of the Varois. It would also strengthen, if necessary, their appetite, a week before a capital trip to the lawn of Racing for the final day of the championship.

Because Mignoni will coach the RCT next year

This fantastic recovery, Toulon owes it to its manager Franck Azéma. Arrived to replace Patrice Collazo in October, the ex-Clermontois straightened the ship. He will continue his stay on the Rade next season, supported by… Pierre Mignoni, currently at the head of LOU. “We call each other regularly, almost every day”, expressed the first about the second. But before collaborating, they will cross swords for the second time, after a stinging defeat of LOU at Gerland in early April (10-43).

Born in Toulon, trained on the Rade and ex-trainer of the RCT, Mignoni will try to heal his exit with the LOU, before returning home. “You have to hide that. It doesn’t matter who you play against. That’s not the point, really”lapidarily conceded the ex-scrum half.

Because the Velodrome is going to catch fire

A Franco-French final is not that common. So, when it is disputed in Marseille, and opposes two teams from the large south-eastern quarter, the atmosphere should smell of powder. Unlike OM games, the Vélodrome will not be full (48,000 of the 67,000 tickets have been sold).

But the Toulon supporters, vehement and passionate, will be numerous to cover the 65 kilometers which separate them from the Marseille city. This Vélodrome is also their garden, since the RCT relocated there – and won – a match against Toulouse this year.

Less known for its popular fervor, Lyon should have several thousand fans divided into fifteen buses. “VSit’s quite new to have European epics at LOUsaid President Yann Roubert. So much the better if it jams on the A7 between Lyon and Marseille, that will mean that Lyonnais are coming!”

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