why won’t the queen attend mass on friday morning?




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Live from London (United Kingdom), journalist Lise Vogel returns to the event of the moment, namely: the platinum jubilee of Elizabeth II.

This is the event of the moment! In London (United Kingdom), the festivities surrounding the platinum jubilee of Elizabeth II are in full swing on Friday 3 June. The day before, the queen however let it be known that she would not attend the mass organized at Saint Paul’s Cathedral this Friday morning. In question ? “Slight discomfort”tells us a press release from Buckingham.

“Here, we are told that the Queen had a lot of fun in the celebrations yesterday. She particularly enjoyed the aerial parade. But indeed, over this long day, she felt discomfort and it is with great reluctance and regret that she has to give up coming […] to participate in a religious service organized in his honor. An office which aims to thank her for her 70 years of reign”, explains journalist Lise Vogel live on site. An announcement that created a surprise, because this office was one of the highlights of this platinum jubilee. His son, Prince Charles will preside over this ceremony.

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