Why was this ex-candidate blacklisted from the birthday bonus?

After having reunited with the alumni of the first season of Star Academy, viewers will find other students who have marked the tele-hook! This Saturday, November 6, 2021, in the second bonus dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the program, Nikos Aliagas will be surrounded by alumni of the second promotion of the cult show. If Nolwenn Leroy, Houcine, Emma Daumas, Fabien, Rudy and Anne-Laure Sitbon will be present, Aurélie Konaté, Jérémy Chatelain or even Georges-Alain Jones will be missing.

“I harassed the production to be there”, indicated the unfortunate finalist of the second edition in the columns of the Parisian.

But for TF1 and Endemol Shine France, it was not possible to invite the one Mariah Carey wanted to kidnap. Blame it on an interview given to Today in France in which he said: “Now, I can admit, everything was rigged! I had discovered that it was me and Emma Daumas who had to go to the final. It was decided even before the show! I went crazy and the producers organized my elimination in the semi-finals because I threatened to throw everything away. My problem was that I was older than the other candidates and that I had understood the inner workings “, he had blurted out.

Revelations that had caused a lot of ink to flow and made Jean-Pascal Lacoste or Alexia Laroche-Joubert react virulently.

See also: A former candidate of the “Star Academy” and TV host announces having lost her baby in a heartbreaking post …


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